Australians want climate action.

But our true leaders aren’t at COP26. We’re at home.

Whether you’re fighting oil drilling in the Bight, moving your money or simply recycling, every Australian can lead change on climate.


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Together, let’s get every Aussie talking about the individual climate actions they can take, by showing what we do already.

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Australia is

That’s how many Australians want to see climate action.

All of us against one government dragging its feet.

COP26 climate summit is a moment where we can turn the volume up on real climate action.

We’re going to show the real Australia to the world.


We’re here to show the world who the real Australia is.

We represent the 75% of Aussies who are crying out for our government to do something drastic about climate change - and getting nothing back.

We’re sick of being last in the world on climate action. We’re tired of being an international laughing stock or public enemy number one. We’re furious that we aren’t being listened to.

But the people of Australia will be heard. We’re ready for change and there are real leaders among us already making it happen. We get hope from the surfers taking down oil rigs in the Great Australian Bight, and the kids campaigning for climate when they could be anywhere else. And whether it’s a former engineer getting in Teslas with coal miners, homeowners choosing solar, or the droves of people leaving financial organisations that invest in fossil fuels - one thing is evident.

We are not mute on climate.

If there’s one thing Aussies know how to do, it’s to back in the underdog and win.

So now’s the time. We’re asking Australia to come off mute and tell us about the awesome extra effort you take to look after our planet.

Aussies are switching banks, super and energy away from fossil fuels. We’re changing lifelong consumption habits, rinsing and returning our neighbours recyclables, planting natives with our kids and innovating industries.

Raise your voice and raise your fist because nothing is too small to talk about. Action inspires action. You might just learn something new from a grandma in Woy Woy or a school student in Perth.

We’re turning the volume up on all the things Aussies do during the COP26 climate summit, to reach the 75% of people who want more climate action in this country.

Our actions are louder than our government’s silence.